Information on the national identifier ID & LEI

Since 3 January 2018, all securities service providers have had to report their customers' transactions, i.e. the purchase and sale of exchange-traded securities such as shares, bonds or investment funds, to the financial market supervisory authority BaFin. This applies throughout Europe with the aim of standardising the reporting system and increasing transparency on the financial markets.

Please note: No reportable securities transactions can be carried out without the identification of the trading partner.

Private customers require a national ID/identifier

Private customers (natural persons) are identified by a national ID/identifier. Sutor Bank is obliged to request this ID from all persons who can make an investment decision. This applies to custody account holders and authorised representatives. Customers are therefore required to report their national ID/identifier to us. Otherwise, Sutor Bank will not be able to execute transactions subject to reporting requirements.

Background and notification

Each country of the European Economic Area (EEA) has defined a national identifier with which its citizens can be clearly identified to the financial market supervisory authority. This can vary from country to country. Your personal national identifier therefore depends on your nationality. Further information on the documents on which your national ID/identifier is stated can be found in the table in the registration form further down on this page.

German citizens do not need to provide any information other than their nationality. Your national ID is derived from your date of birth, first name and surname and is therefore already available to the bank. So you don't have to do anything.

Citizens from France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Austria and Hungary also do not need to provide any information other than their nationality, as their identifier is already available to the bank.

For citizens from all other EEA countries, further information is required; you can find out which information in the table at the bottom of this page.

Citizens of a country outside the European Economic Area identify themselves with their national passport number.

Special features for dual citizenship

  • In the case of dual EEA citizenship, the national ID of the country that is alphabetically (according to the table) before the other is sufficient.
  • If you have EEA citizenship and non-EEA citizenship, please report the National ID of the EEA citizenship.

How to report your national ID

Please use the form: 

National ID notification form

Completed and signed forms can be sent to Sutor Bank by post, fax or e-mail. Important note Please understand that, for legal reasons, no reportable securities transactions can be executed without reporting your national identifier.

Corporate customers require an LEI (Legal Entity Identifier)

The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) was introduced as an identifier for legal entities and registered legal entities. This is a globally unique identifier for independent legal entities in the financial market, with which every contractual partner and every financial transaction can be uniquely identified worldwide. Authorised representatives, whether natural or legal persons, must also be identified as trading partners in future. Customers are therefore required to request or apply for an LEI and report it to us. Otherwise, Sutor Bank will not be able to execute reportable transactions.

Background and reporting LEI for legal entities

The LEI code is a globally valid, twenty-digit identification number that is established as an international standard for companies in the financial market. Each LEI code is assigned uniquely and enables worldwide allocation to a specific company.

The framework for the use of LEIs is coordinated by the LEIROC (Legal Entity Identifier Regulatory Oversight Committee). The Local Operating Units (LOUs) are responsible for issuing LEIs. Fees are charged for the issuance of an LEI and the necessary annual renewal of its use; please contact your chosen LEI issuing organisation to find out which fees apply.

A list of all LEI issuing organisations can be found at:

A query of the registered legal entities can be found at:

Please use the form:

LEI code notification form

Completed and signed forms can be sent to Sutor Bank by post, fax or e-mail. Please understand that, for legal reasons, no reportable securities transactions can be executed without reporting your LEI code.