Welcome to

Private Banking

Your assets in good hands

Welcome to the private office of Sutor Bank. As a small, professional wealth management, successful investment is our great passion. 


We bring you to the capital market and support you in building, maintaining and increasing your wealth. What makes us special is your advantage at the same time: Sutor Bank is independent! We're not beholden to any shareholders or corporations, and we don't have to sell any products in order to present brilliant quarterly results. 

We are completely independant in our recommendations and can put together product-neutral investment strategies as well as concentrate fully on your wishes and needs.

The Sutor philosophy has always been: diversify and think long-term

 "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is how Werner Sutor described his recipe for success in investing. "And take your time, lots of time. Then the serenity comes all by itself – and the return too.”


Today, capital market research proves that his attitude was spot on. Because scientific studies show that diversification and long-term thinking ultimately always lead to a healthy return. Based on this philosophy, our investment strategies today rely on "basic securities" such as shares and bonds in funds and ETFs - and this is also checked for sustainability. From an extensive universe of funds, we put together diverse portfolios according to special quality criteria and purely scientific principles and look after them.


How we work

In our asset management, we develop professional investment strategies – with all the know-how of experienced financial experts. The basis for this is the Sutor investment code, which includes 10 simple, scientifically and historically well-secured investment principles for the capital market and for successful asset accumulation. 


With us, long-term, serious forms of investment are possible that let investors and consultants sleep peacefully - without wild speculation and unnecessary risks. Our goal is to always provide you with the market return that you can achieve with your individual investor profile. Without unnecessary trading costs or losses from frequent buying or selling reducing this return. That is why all our portfolios are built according to the principles of modern portfolio theory: They diversify investments across stock and bond funds that invest in different classes of companies and geographies. You will look in vain for nested, complicated financial products with us.

By the way: when we talk about money, strategies, opportunities and risks, we speak plain language. It is our concern to present complicated content in a simple and understandable way, and not to speak "banking Chinese".

To our Investing Codex

Are you interested in an individual investment concept?

We offer solutions for the preservation and expansion of your assets - trustworthy, independent and personal. Contact us.

Portrait Mathias Beil

Mathias Beil
Head of Asset Management

040 82223163

Mo – Do 8.30 – 17.00 Uhr,
Fr 8.30 – 16.00 Uhr


Our investment experts

At Sutor Bank, you can not only build on more than 100 years of experience in the banking business, but also on around 100 years of shared experience in our private banking team. Our investment experts worked for many years in large, well-known banks before they found their way to Sutor Bank. They have excellent expertise in portfolio management and private customer support, in wealth management and in the area of ​​foundations.What our advisors value most about Sutor Bank is the product neutrality and independence in their investment recommendations. Freedoms that are now sought in vain in other banks because the pressure to sell no longer allows for neutral advice there. 

"Private customer care in the interests of the customer should actually be a matter of course, but is rather rare today," says Jan Schippmann from the Private Banking Team. "For us consultants, too, this is added value that cannot be overestimated."

Incidentally, every consultant in our company has been in charge of some mandates for more than 20 years and also across several generations of a family – matching Sutor -Philosophy.

Mathias Beil, Head of Private Banking

Mathias Beil has been leading the team of advisors since August, developing investment strategies and looking after private clients. Together with the two managing directors and the senior advisors in-house, he is a member of the investment committee.


“The freedom to provide independent and product-neutral advice is a very rare commodity in the banking world these days and an essential part of the  success here at Sutor.”

Dietmar Godt, Senior Client Advisor

Dietmar Godt advises private clients and is a member of the Investment Committee. As an asset manager, he takes care of the development of investment strategies and professional portfolio management.


"At Sutor Bank, I like the fact that quarterly results and sales figures don't matter much here, but that we can provide long-term and thoughtful advice entirely in the client's interest."

Jan Schippmann, Senior Client Advisor

Jan Schippmann is a client advisor, portfolio manager and asset manager in the Sutor Private Banking team. He serves private clients, develops investment strategies and, as an experienced asset manager, steers portfolios even in turbulent times. 


“Advising, looking after, taking care of - that's what makes a good client advisor in my eyes. It is a matter of course for me that the technical aspects are right.”