Sutor Bank GmbH
Hermannstraße 46 
20095 Hamburg

Commercial Register: Hamburg Local Court HRB 178357
Value Added Tax ID: DE155617009

Head Office:

Sutor Bank GmbH
Hermannstrasse 46
20095 Hamburg

Postal address:

Sutor Bank GmbH
PO Box 11 33 37
20433 Hamburg

Telephone: 040 - 82223163 
Fax: 040 - 80801319


Business areas:

Management of savings contracts with investment units
Management of old-age provision contracts with investment units
Management of high net worth private clients: Investment counselling & asset management 
Foundation management
B2B services: Custody account management, product development for financial product distributors

Legal form:



Robert Freitag, Thomas Meier

Association affiliation:

Member of the Association of German Banks (Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V.)
Member of the Deposit Protection Fund of Private Banks

202 308 00


Supervised by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Graurheindorfer Strasse 108, 53117 Bonn or Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28, 60439 Frankfurt am Main.

Legal notice:

By using the Sutor Bank GmbH website, you accept the following terms and conditions:

The information on the web pages of Sutor Bank GmbH is intended exclusively for private use by natural persons resident in Germany.
Sutor Bank GmbH makes no representation that the information on this website is appropriate or available for use in other locations. Users who access this website from other locations do so on their own initiative and at their own risk.
Sutor Bank GmbH makes no representation or warranty that this web site or the information contained on this web site is in compliance with the laws of such locations.

In our opinion, the content provided on the web pages of Sutor Bank GmbH is reliable and carefully prepared.
However, Sutor Bank GmbH and third parties do not guarantee the completeness, correctness and accuracy of all content on the web pages, unless it becomes the subject of legal agreements between us and the clients.

Fund prices are provided by the fund companies and providers of other price information systems for private use without guarantee for completeness, correctness and accuracy.

The stock exchange and economic information, news, prices, indices, prices and general market data held ready for retrieval and displayed as well as the results generated and displayed by display tools serve exclusively to inform visitors to the Sutor Bank GmbH online offering and do not constitute investment advice or any other recommendation. Sutor Bank GmbH expressly does not adopt these contents as its own; they do not represent the opinion of Sutor Bank GmbH.

The fund ratings are merely summaries and comparisons based on information from providers who are not acting for the account of Sutor Bank GmbH and over which Sutor Bank GmbH has no influence. The rating companies point out that

1. the individual needs and circumstances of an investor are not taken into account;

2. investments may also lose value and the investor may suffer losses;

3. past performance is no guarantee for the future and that

4. therefore, the rating companies' valuation methodologies should in no way be taken as a recommendation to buy, hold or sell a particular fund. Neither the rating companies nor Sutor Bank GmbH assume any responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information and disclaim any liability.

Sutor Bank GmbH or the respective indicated provider or manufacturer owns the copyright and other protective rights to all web pages including layout, source text, software and their contents.

The retrieval, copying, storage and processing and reworking of the web pages, their contents or the results generated or displayed with the display tools, in whole or in part, may only be undertaken for private, non-commercial use.
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European online dispute resolution platform:

The European Commission has set up a European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform at A consumer can use the ODR platform for the out-of-court settlement of a dispute arising from online contracts with a company established in the EU.

Disclaimer on the fund calculator:
The fund calculator is for information purposes only and does not constitute an individual investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities or other financial instruments. It is only intended to facilitate the customer's independent investment decision and does not replace investor- and investment-appropriate advice. The information contained in this document has been carefully compiled. However, no guarantee can be given for its correctness and completeness.

Image sources:

own photographs


Source for fund documents: