Encrypted data transfer

The security of your personal data is a top priority at Sutor Bank. The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption procedure is used on the Sutor Bank customer portal. Your data is protected against unauthorised access by third parties. This encryption establishes a secure connection between your computer and Sutor Bank. Thus, it is very unlikely that unauthorised persons can view, change or use the transmitted data.  

Security when using the customer portal of Sutor Bank

With a few simple measures you can create a secure environment and protect yourself from many dangers. Please observe the following instructions:

  • Only use a trustworthy computer that has appropriate security measures such as virus protection and a firewall to use the customer portal.
  • Enter the URL "https://meine.sutorbank.de" in the address line of your browser to directly access the customer portal of Sutor Bank. We strongly advise against the use of links from e-mails and external websites.
  • A secure Internet connection and thus an encrypted (SSL) transmission of your data is present if the address begins with "https" (e.g. "https://meine.sutorbank.de") and if you can see a closed padlock in the status bar of your browser. If one of the two features is not fulfilled, please close your browser and terminate the internet connection immediately.
  • By simply clicking on the padlock, you can check the correctness of Sutor Bank's security certificates. A dialogue window will open to identify the website. The valid issuer of the security certificates of Sutor Bank is "DigiCert Inc". Current security certificates:
  • Check the website you are connected to at regular intervals. If the address differs from the one you originally entered, terminate the process immediately.
  • No other browser windows should be open during your connection to the customer portal. These could already contain malware that spies on your entries. Malware (computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses) could, for example, record all your keyboard and mouse entries, manipulate them and forward them to third parties.
  • If you wish to leave the customer portal, please end each session by clicking the "Logout" button.
  • Please close your Internet browser after each session so that unauthorised users cannot call up information from your customer portal via the history function of your computer.
  • Please never follow a link within an e-mail to a Sutor Bank login page and never enter your login data there. Always use the "https://meine.sutorbank.de" route with which you are familiar.
  • Do not use any third-party websites or search engines to access the Sutor Bank customer portal from there.
  • Never save sensitive data such as your access data on your computer.
    It is best to deactivate the "auto complete" function of your browser, as otherwise data entered can be saved on your device and read and misused by unauthorised third parties.  


  • Please enter your access data (access number and password) only if you are on the protected page of Sutor Bank and there is an encrypted (SSL) connection.
  • Make sure that no other person can see your access data. Protect your access data from unauthorised access.
  • If you want to write down your access data, keep them in a safe place where they cannot be seen or stolen by other people.
  • We recommend that you change your password regularly to make it more difficult for possible unauthorised persons to access your accounts/deposits in the customer portal.
  • Do not use passwords that are easy to reconstruct and have a private reference, such as dates of birth, first names, names of partners/children or similar - the password must comply with certain rules. You can see the concrete password rules in the "My data" area when you call up the password change under "Show details".
  • The original password must be changed the first time you log in to the customer portal.  

Precautions to protect your own computer

  • To protect your own computer, it is advisable to combine a firewall with anti-virus software. Regular updating in the form of updates and patches (updates of the virus scanner, security updates of the operating system) should be carried out, e.g. in order to be able to detect newer viruses and current dangers.
  • Always use the latest version of your Internet browser.
  • Be vigilant: Please do not open the attachments of e-mails from unknown senders - they could also contain malware (computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses).    

Accessing the customer portal from other computers

If you have doubts about the seriousness of the owner or the system operator, never log on to the customer portal of Sutor Bank on foreign computers. Programs could be installed there that store or forward your login data.

Should you nevertheless wish to use other people's computers (e.g. in Internet cafés) or should other people also have access to your computer, please note the following information:

  • As long as you are logged into the customer portal, do not leave the computer unattended.
  • Exit the customer portal via the "Logout" button - only then is the session actually ended.
  • Then delete the browser memory (browser cache). For further information, please refer to the help pages of your browser.
  • Close the Internet browser.   
  • Change the password as soon as you are using a secure Internet access again.


Sutor Bank will never ask you to provide confidential information such as access number or password by phone, fax, telephone or e-mail. This data is intended only for you. Any request for disclosure has a criminal background. Please do not answer such requests and do not follow the instructions given there. Delete suspicious e-mails.

Further information on security and protective measures on the Internet