Individual solutions for you and your customers

Sutor Sales Service

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We are the successful bank by your side

We have been working with financial product distributors, intermediaries and fee-based investment advisors for over 30 years. What began in 1989 with the first fund-based VL savings plans has developed into a wide range of investment options in cooperation with our partners. We are happy to develop individual investment solutions for you and your clients. In addition, we provide you with the services you need to establish and develop a successful sales organisation.

The partnership with us as a renowned Hamburg private bank is the convincing plus in your sales communication. Our asset management is the basis of various investment solutions and regularly receives awards for its outstanding performance.

Customised solutions for you and your customers

Would you like to realise your own innovative investment ideas on behalf of your customers? With our specially developed portfolio management software, we can respond flexibly to your wishes and ideas. We offer you customised and exclusive investment models, a wide range of fee and remuneration models and a fully digital process design:

Comprehensive service for you

In addition to pure investment solutions, we provide you with the services you need for successful sales:

  • Established sales partner portal
  • Client-capable customer portal
  • Multi-bank interface (Sobaco Betax and Fundsaccess)
  • Sales-orientated analysis options
  • Personal sales support
  • Provision of all important documents such as forms and sales documents (e.g. KIDs, sales prospectuses) as well as price data information on our website

... and for your customers

Your customers benefit from our complete service for your financial products - from comprehensive information to our customer service team that answers customer enquiries:

  • Service-orientated customer portal with up-to-date custody account and turnover information as well as an online mailbox
  • Transparent and online information about our comprehensive fund universe, price data and extensive FAQ services
  • Professional customer support
  • Personal response to customer enquiries via telephone, e-mail and the customer portal by our customer service team

Do you have any questions or are you interested in a co-operation?

We support you in developing and building a successful sales organisation. Get to know our wide range of customised investment opportunities and services.

[Translate to English:] Portrait Detlev Dehmelt

Detlev Dehmelt
Head of Sales Service

040 82223163

Mo – Do 8.30 – 17.00 Uhr,
Fr 8.30 – 16.00 Uhr

Take advantage of the capital market and build up your assets

Investment fund savings

+ Individual fund investment and fund savings plan

+ Fund asset management

State-aided savings

+ pension funds

+ Vermögenswirksame Leistungen (capitalforming benefits)

Precious metal savings plans

+ Pure Gold

+ Silver

+ Platinum

+ Palladium